Expired listing

Martina Berger Yoga

  • City of Edinburgh.

About Martina Berger Yoga

My Forrest Yoga classes are designed to build up strength while practising kindness toward yourself. Forrest Yoga is a modern way of doing traditional practice and it will undo all the aches and pains seated lifestyle brings to your body. Classes are suitable to all levels.

Join me on Zoom Tuesdays and Saturdays 10-11am, and Thursdays 12-1pm for a much needed healing Forrest Yoga practice. Breathing and connecting to core, exploring and playing within safety of our homes. Open to all levels. Classes are 6£ per session or two classes for 10£. If you are hit financially during this period please get in touch. I want yoga to be accessible for all. If you would like to join send me a message or email to berger.martina@gmail.com and I will send you the link to Zoom.

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