Exmouth Holistic Yoga Classes
58 Madeira Villas, Exmouth, Devon EX8 1QP.
About Exmouth Holistic Yoga Classes
4 Classes for all abilities with beginners especially welcome.
There are 2 daytime classes specifically for the over 50s (Mondays/Tuesdays), 1 daytime class open to all on Wednesday and a Tuesday evening class.
All ages and abilities welcome-beginners especially welcome at any age or level of fitness.
I am a Sivananda trained teacher, and my classes are based on the Sivananda style which gives equal emphasis to physical postures and stretches, breathing practices and relaxation techniques. I am also a professionally trained in Indian Head Massage and Natural Lift Face Massage.
Please contact me for directions and details.
Please ignore any listed dates- I couldn’t leave it blank. These are ongoing year round classes. You are welcome to start at any time.