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Claire Beeley Transformational Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling, Mindfulness Yoga & Meditation

  • Chalford.

About Claire Beeley Transformational Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling, Mindfulness Yoga & Meditation

Classes in Chalford, Cirencester and Dursley, classical - mindfulness yoga can be a re-learning in exercising with care - slowing down, softening, feeling the effects of each practice, and responding appropriately. From movement to stillness and from sound to silence, beautiful Hatha yoga prepares the body and mind for deeper states of relaxation and meditation. Simple breathing practice (pranayama) lead to a short sitting meditation to complete the class.

This becomes a stable platform to build your life upon - to know by experience the union of everything, that the whole existence is one energy.

I teach weekly classes and one-to-ones, in Chalford, Stroud. Classes are small, friendly and intimate, and I enjoy mentoring and sharing over 20 years of teaching experience, and personal practice to help new teachers grow in confidence.

All classes include movement and poses (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), deep relaxation (yoga nidra) and/or meditation methods.

Events by Claire Beeley Yoga