Yoga Teacher /Yoga writer / Hath yoga Instructor
7 Wincott Street, London, Lambeth SE11 6SR.
About Yoga Teacher /Yoga writer / Hath yoga Instructor
Yoga as it should be
”Yoga what does it mean to common practitioners? Is it merely physical postures to practice to keep your body free from illness!! Or anything very more to connectivity between your body energy meaning to the soul with supreme energy meaning bliss absolutes !!! If this is , then where supreme energy find to be! Is within sky /nature or in infinite in form of magnetic wave length !! Then what is the nature and pattern of wave length!! Can it be scan in any oscilloscope or any kind of device , when a man able to connect through his meditation with bliss absolutes !!!
That may be vibration which can be generated within the body through mediation when mind brought to tranquil but a vibrate frequency is induced upon with rhythm known to be “ONKARâ€
But this occurrence is only realised upon cannot be imagined by others. Up gradation and to attain certain level of divine force of virtue within self may be possible to different body seven state levels through meditation from root the real cause of seven carnation that is“Muladhar(root) toSwadhistan to Manipur to Anahata to Bisudhha to Agyachakra then finally Shahashhra “(cranium)
An Yogi in real sense makes austerely endeavor to achieve eternal and omniscient and ever blissful to an end thus connectivity between five airs with mind , mind with Intelligence, Intelligence with soul, and ultimately soul with divine energy through austerely practice for enlightenment …….yogaashu (ashutoshmukherjee)