Yoga for Energy
1 Dupree Dr, Southsea, Portsmouth, Southsea PO4 9EU, UK.
About Yoga for Energy
Fiona has been studying yoga since 1993 and originally trained as a yoga therapist with the Yoga for Health Foundation. In the late 80s Fiona ran a busy PR business but became very ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME). Initially she was in a wheelchair but made a full recovery by following a yogic lifestyle. In 1998 she wrote Beat Fatigue with Yoga (Cherry Red books), followed by a DVD which she made with Sue Delf. She is also author of Endless Energy (Piatkus). She is KHYF registered (accredited as an advanced teacher by the British Wheel of Yoga). Her mentor is Gill Lloyd, who is a student of TKV Desikachar. She studies Vedanta – the science of self-knowledge, or self-realisation.
Fiona works one-to-one as a yoga therapist in Portsmouth and runs regular retreats in Surrey, the Lake District, Turkey and India