My Vision Sun Salutation

1st posture Photo> pray to Sun for divine nectar time: early morning Sun rising time
Performed by touching the ground at full length face to the ground then bent left leg from knee as per picture right leg should remain straight left leg’s heal should touch the right legs groin. lift yourbody from waist (as per picture) and take as salutation pose breathing normal. concentration on between two eye brow.
Thoughts: As Sun on Chariot with seven horses and whole divine light racing to wards you as blessing.

2nd posture > Sun bath ( for divine light of seven spectrum
Time: very early morning Sun rising time.
Performed by touching the ground at full length face to the ground then bent left leg from knee as per picture right leg should remain straight left leg’s heal should touch the right legs groin. Lift your body from waist (as per picture) and keep your palm at the ground( as per picture) then close your eyes think of sky similar to the picture pose and breathing normal.
Thought: As you are taking Sun bath and stallions of sun light falling on to your body as concentration on heart as lotus being blooms

My vision : It is an ancient physio-practice of the people specially those who always do believe
That maintaining good health effectively is possible when you interact or communicate between
body and soul, Thus energy can be revitalized and extracted on certain practice through postures with sequence known as Yoga.

Sun YOGA as it is :
Introduction: Since ancient age people use to warship mighty Sun as God of supreme energy. The body temperature, organic sensation, respiration,, circumference, and elemental status are all being controlled and accelerated through Sun rays spectrum. Human body acts as an instrument to maintain body temperature, body use to keep the balance of body temperature whatever may the environment’s temperature, and this is known as homeostasis. Thus on certain form and practice by yogic means of prescribed poses in the early morning from rising Sun that is what we say as “Yoga” means to add between the body energy with supreme energy. There 12th different postures of sun yoga can be exercised in six different session like Summer- monsoon- autumn- pre- winter – winter- spring for ultimate health.
Sun who created this universe always been worshiped by the people , Sun is the main source of energy so Yoga is dedicated to Sun through different Sun postures to link between yoga practitioners s and Sun ‘s spectrum through 12th Yoga postures of Sun as this named as” Sun salutation”.
In ancient Vedic culture Sun is source of all souls as he enlightens lives, he is eyes of universe, source of all lights and energy. He awakens the entire world in the morning through his divine cosmic rays.

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Ben Pianese

Hi Ashutosh,

Thank you for this inspirational article.

Is there anything else you would like to share on SUN creator of the universe? For example how the SUN is interconnected to other alternate or infinite universes ?

Apart from yoga poses do you ever experience conscious hyper communication with SUN? I would really appreciate some additional info and tips on how to consciously communicate with the SUN. Many Thanks
