Yoga in Bishop Auckland

Bishop Auckland /ˈbɪʃəp ˈɔːklənd/ is a market town and civil parish in County Durham in north east England. It is located about 12 miles northwest of Darlington and 12 miles southwest of Durham at the confluence of the River Wear with its tributary the River Gaunless. Wikipedia


Search Location

  • King James I Academy, South Church Road, Bishop Auckland DL14 7JY, UK.

Gentle Hatha Yoga. Suitable for beginners or the more experienced. Postures, breathing and relaxation to gently stretch, explore and enjoy.…

Distance: 0.41 miles
0 0 votes
  • John Flinn Physio, Faverdale North, Darlington.

Hi, I’m Helen, an Ayurveda practitioner, Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Instructor with a scientific background in Biomedical Science & Biotechnology.…

Distance: 9.31 miles
0 0 votes
  • Jesmond.

I’m a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher running relaxed and friendly classes in Jesmond.  All levels welcome. For those unfamiliar with…

Distance: 22.84 miles
4.5 2 votes
  • Kirkleatham Street. Redcar. TS10 1QY.

Hatha Yoga Classes All my classes are suitable for all abilities. The class aims are to help you learn to…

Distance: 24.05 miles
5 19 votes


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