Yoga in Browney - DL15

Browney is a village in County Durham, England. It is situated to the south-west of Durham and adjoins Meadowfield. It is part of the parish of Brandon and Byshottles. Browney Colliery closed in 1938. The Browney Wesleyan Chapel was built in 1887, to seat 270, and cost £400. Wikipedia


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  • King James I Academy, South Church Road, Bishop Auckland DL14 7JY, UK.

Gentle Hatha Yoga. Suitable for beginners or the more experienced. Postures, breathing and relaxation to gently stretch, explore and enjoy.…

Distance: 4.18 miles
0 0 votes
  • John Flinn Physio, Faverdale North, Darlington.

Hi, I’m Helen, an Ayurveda practitioner, Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Instructor with a scientific background in Biomedical Science & Biotechnology.…

Distance: 13.04 miles
0 0 votes
  • Jesmond.

I’m a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher running relaxed and friendly classes in Jesmond.  All levels welcome. For those unfamiliar with…

Distance: 20.36 miles
4.5 2 votes


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