Yoga in Elm Park - CH45

Moor Park is a residential area of Crosby in Merseyside. Initially developed in the early years of the twentieth century, it is situated on the northern side of Moor Lane, the main A565 road out of Crosby to the north, and encompasses Moor Close, Moor Coppice and the northern tip of Forefield Lane. Wikipedia


Search Location

  • 35 Cambridge Ave, Crosby, Liverpool L23 7XN, UK.

Tuesday 6.00 – 7.00. Hatha Yoga based class including Yin Yoga when close to New and Full Moons. I have…

Distance: 4.68 miles
0 0 votes
  • Culcheth Warrington.

I teach Yoga and Meditation along with Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitation based in Warrington, Cheshire UK. Offering public in-person and…

Distance: 21.81 miles
0 0 votes
  • Ch7 5rs.

I am a fitness professional with over 15 years experience. I found Yoga to help with my mental health and…

Distance: 16.83 miles
0 0 votes


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