Yoga in Middlesbrough - TS9

Middlesbrough is a large industrial town on the south bank of the River Tees in North Yorkshire, England, founded in 1830. The local council, a unitary authority, is Middlesbrough Borough Council. Wikipedia

  • John Flinn Physio, Faverdale North, Darlington.

Hi, I’m Helen, an Ayurveda practitioner, Yoga Teacher and Mindfulness Instructor with a scientific background in Biomedical Science & Biotechnology.…

Distance: 17.75 miles
0 0 votes
  • Kirkleatham Street. Redcar. TS10 1QY.

Hatha Yoga Classes All my classes are suitable for all abilities. The class aims are to help you learn to…

Distance: 11.76 miles
5 19 votes
  • Saltburn Community Hall.

Living Yoga on and off your mat, I teach Vinyasa flow, Hatha, Abode, Ashtanga and Children’s Yoga Offering a range…

Distance: 11.62 miles
0 0 votes


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