
Taking Care of Yourself in Winter

In winter the daylight hours are much shorter than in summer. Consequently there is less...
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5 Benefits of Yoga Every Woman Will Love

"If a woman sits with folded hands in her lap for a few minutes every...
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How To Deal With Negative Emotion : Anger

As human we all have several emotions as integral attribute of our body And anger...
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“Opening the body, Opening your heart !”

Breath, Posture, Shoulders, Neck, Spine ? What is the connection ? Could Yoga help ?...
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Relax yourself into wellness- the beautiful gifts of Yin Yoga

April 9, 2018     Karen Lawrence Yin is an increasingly popular style of yoga.  What...
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Beyond the Spine – Yoga and Back Pain

If you have back pain, or indeed any other musculoskeletal pain, the first port of...
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Yoga for the Menopause

As I approach my 50 yrs, I am embarking on a new journey, I guess...
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Ten things to worry about on your way to a yoga class

Maybe it looks like everyone else just floats along to yoga all chilled and happy....
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